Yan Ong


my journey …

It’s been a packed and eventful 40 years in this journey, as I have never been one to shy away from trying something new no matter how mad. The framework of these past 4 decades in a single sentence goes little something like this: Being invited to join Mensa IQ society at 16, having graduated with honours in science, then later in art and business to balance my development of both the right and left side of the brain, worked corporate in the pharmaceutical, design and wellness industries, travelled to 58 countries including 2 years of backpacking alone in South America and Africa, met tens of thousands of outstanding individuals from all walks of life, made and lost bucketloads of dollars investing, taken time out to be away from it all for 1 year in Bali and 4 years in India, studied ancient scripture and spent the past several years observing human behaviour through movement daily.

Throughout all of this I have both given and lost much in life, gained and lost money, gained and lost friends, gained and lost physical fitness, gained and lost health, gained and lost hope, gained and lost loves and learned that the one thing in life you can gain and never lose is your intellect. Not our memories, cause those will be lost too eventually, but our intellect. A deeper understanding of the self, a knowledge that affects both the mind and the heart. As a society our intellect is regressing, we are focusing on all the wrong things and paying for the price soon after. Most people don’t even know why they do the things they do or don’t understand why they are unhappy or lost. Even on ‘spiritual-seeking’ paths anger and insecurity is rampant. The craziest thing of all is that everything you have been though is a key to a door towards our salvation as a species. A gift humans have been given but neglected , and all we need to do now to find back our spiritual intelligence is just stopping and observing our experience without thought.

There are no better ‘AHA!’ moments than examining your own life experiences. 

I believe words can open the eyes and mind… the time is right, a voice in creation and I hope it will enter your mind and create sparks. My journey has just started…